The Green Jacket Golf Stretch

How many swings does it take until your body opens up to your full swing? This stretch prepares your joints and muscles for high rotational activities. More REACH Rehab videos here.

Extension In Lying For Low Back Pain

Intended to be a reference for patients of REACH Rehab + Chiropractic. This exercise is based on a thorough assessment from a certified MDT practitioner to help with back pain.

Better Hip Flexor Stretch

With a few simple changes, you can make the hip flexor stretch you’re already doing, better! The team at REACH Rehab is here to show you how.

Work Your Hip & Groin Mobility

Are your groin muscles always tight? Are they always tight after running or “leg day” at the gym? This stretch can help relieve the pain. More REACH Rehab videos here.

Anti-Abs Rollout | Core Exercise

The plank rollout will help build your core and get the most out of it not only functionally, but aesthetically too.

Foot Tripod For Stable Base Support

This is the first part of a six-part series to help runners and others looking to improve single-leg stability.

Chiropractic Jaw (TMJ) Treatment

Watch our before and after video on how to solve TMJ. Starting with Muscle Release Techniques and Upper Cervical Adjustments, followed by Take Home Stretches.

This is What a Rolfing Session Looks Like

There are many misconceptions about what Rolfing is, how it works, and what the Rolfer does with and to their client.

How to Fix Rib Flare in Seconds

A “Rib Flare” position can be “fixed” in seconds with the proper alignment, but this video teaches you how to hold those changes for long periods of time.

Around the World Exercise

At REACH, we train individuals through the ‘Core ABCs’. Alignment, Breathing, and Control. Learn more at this video.

Intra-Abdominal Pressure Breathing for Core Stability

We teach the concept of breathing for stability, how to use your diaphragm (belly vs chest breaths), how to breathe 360 degrees, and more for core stability.

Fix Your Rib Flare with Neutral Spine

Alignment of the pelvis to the rib cage to create your neutral spine position (AKA neutral spine, neutral core) is the most important aspect of physical activity.

Fix Your Own Elbow Pain

Do you have elbow pain, e.g., tennis elbow, golfers elbow, etc., limiting your ability to use your arm and can get better or worse depending on what you do with it?

Doctor Prescribed Daily Mobility Flow

Whether you’re trying to get into a stretching routine and don’t know what to do, or want to gain flexibility by stretching, this routine is for you!

Thoracic Extension | MDT McKenzie Method

Self-treatment and assessment of thoracic extension are best achieved using a low-back chair. Alternatives are using a foam roll laying down, or a dowel rod standing.

Rolfing: Reduce Upper-Extremity Pain

Rolfing is a revolutionary method for reducing upper-extremity pain. Watch a Rolfing session to discover what is Rolfing at REACH.

How to Glute Bridge Without Back Pain

Learn how to glute bridge without back pain at REACH Rehab + Chiropractic. The glute bridge is an important way to regain mobility in your body.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise to Strengthen the CORE ABCs

Witness the DNS 3 months supine loaded breathing training by REACH Rehab + Chiropractic. This will help strengthen your belly breathing.

DIY Neck Support for Better Sleep

Do you ever wake up with a stiff, painful neck or have neck pain waking you up at night? A McKenzie Cervical (Neck) Roll is a very useful device.

Dissecting the Squat with Doctor Ulm

We visited Colombus Ohio to listen to Dr Ulm of Columbus Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center who assesses treatment of squats.

Have a Question?

Ask one of the REACH Docs!