How to Know When You Need an MRI

When people experience pain without a clear cause, they can become frightened and anxious. After all, nobody wants to live life with poor health and limited mobility. That’s why when people suffer from severe pain that comes out of nowhere, they often wonder, “Do I need an MRI?”

What Is an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique that creates three-dimensional images of organs, bones, and soft tissue. MRI scans use no radiation but sometimes require an injection of a dye or contrast agent to make the picture clear enough to assess properly.

Doctors use MRI scans to investigate or diagnose issues such as:

  • Joint injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Malignant or benign tumors
  • Spinal, joint, tissue, and organ diseases
  • Brain injuries
  • Neurological conditions
  • Heart problems
  • Digestive issues

MRIs can help patients who are dealing with the following conditions:

  • Suspected bone fracture
  • Recent physical trauma
  • Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
  • History of cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis

MRIs routinely detect and analyze many serious ailments. When approaching lower back and joint pain, clinical practice guidelines currently favor physical treatments like spinal manipulation over spinal imaging tests.

Many back and joint pain issues require more than just spinal manipulation (adjustments). Our licensed and experienced chiropractors are here to guide you with a customized treatment plan of hands-on care and rehab exercises. If you’re looking for a dedicated and compassionate chiropractor in Plymouth, MI, trust REACH Rehab + Chiropractic.

When to Trust Your Body and When to Seek Medical Advice

When many people experience acute pain in their back or joints, they run to their doctor for an MRI or X-ray. Chronic lower back pain can indicate critical issues like spinal cancer or infection. However, less than one percent of lower back pain sufferers receive such a diagnosis from their primary doctor.

Someone may experience severe pain in their lower back for many different reasons. Issues like muscle strain (pulled muscle), sprained ligaments, and even poor posture can cause extreme pain. With proper care, these conditions can improve within a few weeks or even days.

If you have no preexisting medical conditions, your back pain may resolve with rest and time to heal. If rest doesn’t help after a few days to a week, you may require medical care to resolve the issue faster. If left untreated, and the pain persists for more than two weeks, the chances of your injury turning into a chronic condition significantly increase.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Diagnosing pain isn’t always simple and getting a second opinion never hurts. When an MRI is normal but you’re still in pain, you might still need care to relieve the pain. The human body is full of intricately connected nerves, so where you’re feeling your pain isn’t always the source.
Someone with pain in their back or shoulders may have nerve issues in their legs or neck. Through chiropractic care and massage therapy, we can handle such problems without surgery or a series of expensive trips to a specialist.

How REACH Can Help Relieve Pain and Improve Mobility

At REACH Rehab + Chiropractic Performance Center, we employ holistic chiropractic techniques to ensure patients get back to a fully functioning and active lifestyle. We tailor your treatment plan to your needs and focus our attention on the trouble spots to eliminate pain and limited mobility quickly.

What Is a Holistic Chiropractor?

Unlike other healing modalities, holistic chiropractic care focuses on the whole body as a system whose components sustain each other. Rather than patching up issues as they arise and medicating patients to live with their pain, we alleviate pain naturally by restoring the harmony in your body.
To meet this goal, our noninvasive treatments may include:

  • Joint adjustments
  • Massage therapy
  • Exercise
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Weight loss assistance

Your Path to Pain Relief | REACH Rehab + Chiropractic | Plymouth, MI

If you’re wondering, “Do I need an MRI?”, let the friendly and well-trained staff at REACH Rehab + Chiropractic help you. We can build a treatment plan to relieve muscle, joint, and nerve pain.

Once we minimize your pain, we will develop a personalized recovery strategy. Typically, we prescribe massage and stretch routines you can do in the privacy of your home.

For the most comprehensive chiropractic treatment in Plymouth, MI, book your appointment here. You can also contact us at (734) 530-9134 to schedule your consultation.

Chiropractic Treatment

Hands-on, holistic, and customized approach to relieving muscle, joint, and nerve pain.

Massage Therapy

Goal-oriented bodywork for sustainable changes in pain, posture, and flexibility.